A weekly newsletter containing three discoveries for those who like to explore and expand their minds.
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How does it work?

Sign up and you'll receive a weekly care package with three discoveries in these categories:
The Seed of the Week
Usually a mind-expanding article or a great book.
Inspiration of the Week
Usually a piece of art, architecture or destination.
Mood of the Week
Usually a piece of music, be that an album, live performance or DJ set.

But, is it for me?

Let's figure that out! Here's a little inventory of traits that a person who'd appreciate the newsletter would probably have...
You're the type of person who dances uncontrollably to your favorite songs when nobody's around,

has conversations with yourself both out loud and in your head,

puts on different colored socks because really, who cares,

loves wandering around new cities on your own,

puts down your phone in good moments just to stay present,

laughs out loud when you read funny things,

seeks discomfort for the sake of growth,

and enjoys venturing outside the box.
Still with me? Then Three Discoveries might be just what you need. Sign up now and see for yourself. You can of course unsubscribe at any time.

The Sender

Hello there! 👋 My name is Marius Troy. I am a painter, musician, designer and a dedicated explorer of human consciousness. This newsletter is a way for me to pay it forward, share thoughts, experiences, ideas, music and anything else I find enjoyment in. And perhaps you will too? Sign up and find out!
2023 Three Discoveveries by Marius Troy